Total Harmonic Distortion...? - best mid range theater speakers 2009
At what point should stop reading numbers THD? I am referring to a home theater receiver. All models are mid-range, I'm looking for. I've seen serial numbers all the way from 0.03% to -1.0%. To what extent these figures are not audible? What do the numbers need to learn from one receiver?
It depends on how sensitive you are. Personally I want a receiver with less than 0.1% THD at rated power. THD increases rapidly over the rating for most recipients, what they actually do, define what the limits of power are used as an indicator of THD.
The following link (a basic guide for A / V receiver said selection):
"If you want a good home theater experience, and your budget is flexible enough, we choose a receiver with a performance to suggest that something like this says" 80 watts RMS per channel into 8 ohms,
20 Hz to 20 kHz, all channels simultaneously, with no more than 0.08% THD.
Not too difficult to reach, with the beneficiaries of these specifications, making it a little more crazier, why claim that may be hazardous?
THD is a very, very misleading. There are some seriously high dollar items there with very high levels of DHT in the field of more than 5%. Some of these amps for sale, in which tens of thousands of dollars. Is likely that your amplifier, before the hearing THD.
In most cases, trying, usually to hold 1% or less. Mainly as a norm for me.
More serious consequences if they stay with quality components such as the Sunfire, B & K, Anthem, Denon, Yamaha, Onkyo, Pioneer and away from home theater systems remains, Walmart has some of generally useless. This is a marketing tool more than anything else.
Depends.The ear is more sensitive to odd harmonics in the state amplifiers emphasis even.Solid odd harmonics. Highlight tube amplifiers, even harmonics. Therefore, the amplifier in the solid state by 0.1% or less. Tube amp. and 1% are quite acceptable.This is one reason why tube amps unfatiguing have a softer sound.
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